ERA ~ The Big Picture

In the 100+ years since the ERA was introduced, there have been several times when ERA Champions thought it was going to be ratified, (1940 & 1982 top of the list). NO mistake about it, today is the winner for two extraordinary reasons; the public wants the protections it would provide and the activists are rising on all imaginable fronts. It circles of feminists and ERA advocates there are infinite positions, levels of knowledge and actions suitable for anyone; moderate – radical.
Zoe Nicholson is one of a fine handful of Americans who have been under the hood, without pause, for fifty years. She has a front row seat to the evolution, the grave need and the burgeoning efforts to adopt and enact the ERA as the 28th Amendment. Her 90 minute virtual presentation and unlimited Q&A has never been so pertinent.
What will the ERA protect?
Who will the ERA impact?
Where will it matter most?
ERA ~ The Big Picture. Book it today and when she presents, Zoe will tell what happened Yesterday about the ERA,
Reserve your date today!
[email protected]
Wild West Women, Inc.
Martha Wheelock, Producer