About Wild West Women
Celebrating Women ~ Our History, Our Creators, Our Stories.
At Wild West Women we make and distribute films. Films about women, our history, artists, creations. Historical and current. We are pleased to share our films with you. And are excited to share information about our new projects and productions.
Ishtar Films has transitioned into Wild West Women, Inc., a non-profit, educational corporation, allowing us to receive tax-deductible contributions and grants. Wild West Women and Ishtar Films work hand in hand to produce films which bring women and our history out of the shadows.

Our Mission Statement
The primary objectives and purposes of this corporation shall be to increase public awareness of women’s achievements and their roles in history and to provide positive public images of women and girls. To fulfill these purposes, Wild West Women, Inc. will, with a particular emphasis on films concerning women’s issues, women’s history and women creators:
- Produce, distribute, and present educational films and accompanying educational materials, like study guides; input and share on social media;
- Provide training in independent filmmaking, with special efforts to include women and girls of diverse cultures;
- Collaborate with other organizations, artists and filmmakers, through sponsorship, fiscal conduit, and co-production;
- Establish workshops and classes, as well as living, creative, and presentational spaces.
Board of Directors
- Virginia Carter
President, former Television Executive - Kay Weaver
Co-Founder, Musician, Filmmaker - Martha Wheelock
Co-Founder, Executive Director, Filmmaker, Educator - Sally Banta
The Reel Thing, Editor - Robert P. J. Cooney
Historian, Author, Archivist
- Jane Guthrie
Graphic Designer, Art Director - Coline Jenkins
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust - Dr. Alison Parker
Professor, University of Delaware;
Biographer of Mary Church Terrell - Joan Smiles
Attorney at Law - Peg Yorkin
Feminist Majority Foundation, Chair of the Board
(Individual board members belong to various other organizations)